

Uneducated 71-year-old man obeys mother’s advice to pursue education, bag Master’s degree in flying colours

Uneducated 71-year-old man obeys mother’s advice to pursue education, bag Master’s degree in flying colours
Written by oguamaemmanuel7

The 71-year-old man named Leroy Harley who is a council member of the town of Bowman enrolled for an academic degree following an advice from his mother who thought he would make a great teacher despite his old age.

At the age of 69, Leroy Harley decided to obey his mother’s advice and enrolled. Three years after his enrolment, he graduated with a Master’s degree in Teaching at the age of 71.

His achievement also saw him fulfill his mother’s advice and his passion for teaching. Speaking about his achievements, Harley said he is proud of himself. “I am really proud of myself; I mean, I have to be,” Harley said after being awarded his certificate on Saturday May 14, 2022.

for a Master’s Degree at the University of South Carolina, Harley had earlier attended Bethune-Bowman Elementary School, where he was hired as a teacher’s assistant.

His enrollment to University of South Carolina was aided through the knowledge garnered over his years of experience, as well as the knowledge gained during the time he worked at Bethune-Bowman Elementary school.


Leroy Harley was proud of himself, he credits his hard work and the support of his family for getting him through his academic journey.

“I thought, ‘Why am I going back to school at this age? I should be sailing towards retirement. But I went ahead and did it anyway,” he said.

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