

Some Of My Gender Still Believe They Can’t Be Successful If They Don’t Marry A Rich Guy”-Yetunde Bakare

Some Of My Gender Still Believe They Can’t Be Successful If They Don’t Marry A Rich Guy”-Yetunde Bakare
Written by oguamaemmanuel7

Popular Yoruba movie actress, Yetunde Bakare, has used her latest Instagram post to reveal why some women try to tie a man down in a relationship. She took to her Instagram story to share the post where she disclosed that some women still believe they can’t be successful without getting married to a rich man.

She describes that kind of insinuation and belief as shameful, saying that we are in a civilized world. She made it known that some women are tying down men because they do not believe they can be successful on their own without marrying a well-to-do guy.

In the post she made on her Instagram story, she said, “Why do you need to tie a man down?” Is it for money or love? Some of my gender still believe they can’t be successful if they don’t marry rich guys. “As civilized as we are, what a shame.”

The actress has established herself as one of the most sought-after Yoruba movie actresses, thanks to her talent and the roles she plays in movies, which have helped her become a household name among Yoruba movie lovers in Nigeria.

The belief that a woman’s success is dependent on her marital status and the financial status of her partner is a common societal construct that has been deeply ingrained in some cultures for centuries. In many parts of the world, women are still expected to prioritize marriage and family over their careers, and this can create a sense of pressure and anxiety for those who do not conform to these expectations.


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Yetunde Bakare’s statement, “Some of my gender still believe they can’t be successful if they don’t marry a rich guy,” is a poignant reminder of the pervasive nature of these beliefs. It highlights the fact that despite the progress that has been made towards gender equality in recent years, many women still feel that their success is not truly legitimate unless it is accompanied by the trappings of traditional femininity – namely, a husband who can provide financial security.

This mentality is not only limiting but also harmful. It reinforces the notion that a woman’s worth is tied to her partner’s financial status, rather than her own achievements and abilities. It can lead to women staying in unhappy or abusive relationships for fear of losing their financial security, or to women neglecting their careers in pursuit of a partner who can provide for them.

Furthermore, this mindset perpetuates gender inequality by placing the burden of financial support solely on men, rather than encouraging women to pursue their own financial independence. It also reinforces the idea that men are the only ones who can provide for their partners, perpetuating the stereotype of women as dependent and helpless.

It is essential to challenge these beliefs and encourage women to pursue their own success, regardless of their relationship status. Success should be defined on one’s own terms, and not limited by societal expectations or gender norms. Women should be encouraged to pursue their dreams and ambitions, whether that means building a successful career or starting their own business.

In conclusion, Yetunde Bakare’s statement is a reminder that gender norms and societal expectations can be incredibly limiting, and that women should not feel that their success is dependent on their partner’s financial status. It is crucial to challenge these beliefs and encourage women to pursue their own success and financial independence, on their own terms. Only then can we truly achieve gender equality and break free from the limiting beliefs that hold us back.

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